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Open Call for experiments aimed at fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems
Call identifier: DIH4CPS OC1
Publication date: 2020-05-05
Status: Closed
Opening date: 2020-05-16 12:00:00 (Brussels time)
Closing date: 2020-08-31 17:00:00 (Brussels time)
Call general detailsThematic areasSupporting documentation
Call Summary
DIH4CPS invites mini consortia to receive financial support for experiments related to the field of Cyber physical and embedded systems. Each experiment´s consortium must consist of at least one DIH. Each experiment can receive up to € 180.000 of which maximum € 100.000 can be received by each individual third party.
Call Keywords
Embedded Systems
Digital Twins
Augmented Reality
Dashboard Controls
Industry 4.0
Application Experiments focused on products or services with advanced digital technologies in the field of Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems (CPES).
Application Experiments are not limited to strictly technological innovation related to the topics presented in here. For example, SMEs providing innovative methodologies or other innovative procedures related to the topics (or other technologies) will be considered.
Digital TwinsThe concept refers to a replica of physical assets, processes, devices or systems allowing for real time optimization. Examples of applications of this technology can be found within various sectors, such as healthcare or manufacturing.
DIHsCPSDigital TwinsEmbedded Systems
Augmented realityThis topic refers to the technology behind the interactive experience of real-world environment enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information. Common sectors for this technology include healthcare, entertainment, tourism and architecture.
DIHsCPSAREmbedded Systems
Artificial IntelligenceHuman decision making and control over physical systems could in various applications be replaced with mechanisms related to artificial intelligence. Customized artificial intelligence developments are also used for Big Data Analytics. Algorithms based on artificial intelligence have a broad spectrum of applicability, including proactive maintenance, logistics and agriculture.
DIHsCPSAIEmbedded Systems
Dashboard controlsSome industrial control systems and medical monitoring systems require surveillance and inputs from human operators. Providing the human operator with valid graphic information is key to the successful control over physical systems and processes.
DIHsCPSManufacturingDashboard Controls
OtherOther Application Experiments not related to the defined topics but still within the field of CPES.